Cantesco Leak Detection Compound, Reg Temp Type I - Formula 300

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Cantesco Leak Detection Compound, Reg Temp Type I - Formula 300


Low Temp (+27˚F TO 200˚F), Safe for All Gases including Oxygen

Regular temperature oxygen compatible solution for detection of leaks in compressed air and gas systems. Clear free flowing liquid with no objectionable odor.

Tempature range: +27°F to 200°F (-3°C to 93°C)

Composition: Product does not contain mineral oil, vegetable oil, animal oil or fats; any material that will ignite or explode when in contact with liquid or gaseous oxygen; materials that will act as primary skin irritants, skin sensitizers or produce any other dermatosis; ketones, aldehydes, and alcohols as components in the formulation.


  • 8 oz squirt bottle
  • 1 gallon jug
  • 5 gallon carboy (Contact us to order)
  • 55 gallon drum (Contact us to order)