Stud-Xtract Broken Bolt Extraction Welding Electrodes

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Stud-Xtract Broken Bolt Extraction Welding Electrodes


Specially engineered flux coated electrode that protects the threads during the welding process.  Designed to weld to and remove broken studs, bolts, taps, drill bits, screw extractors, etc.

  • Sold in 0.5 Kg (1.1 lb) Package
  • Rod diameter - 2.0 mm - 5/64", 2.5mm - 3/32", 3.2 mm - 1/8"
  • Rod Length - 30 cm (12")
  • Approx. 28 rods per pack


  • EZ-STRIKETIP graphite striking tip
  • Can also be used in horizontal position
  • Easy striking and re-striking
  • Can be used with all grades of bolts
  • High mechanical properties (125 000 psi)
  • Saves times and money
  • Low amperage and easy to use

Instruction For Use:

  1. Get a nut and a washer
  2. Set your welding machine to the recommended amperage
  3. Put the electrode perpendicular on the center of the bolt and strike the arc
  4. Build up stud until it sticks about 3 mm (1/8") over the casting. Do not direct the arc in the direction of the threads. Keep the electrode perpendicular and in the center of the hole to be filled.
  5. Weld washer to stud build-up deposit.
  6. Weld the nut to the washer
  7. Unscrew nut to remove stud